Today  People life totally based on the electricity.  Without electricity People can not imagine our life. The Electricity has made people life easy. We known that electricity generation and distribution but here we discussing about hose wiring. also we can say that Internal wiring. House wiring is a system  in which we design electricity distribution inside our home , building , malls and hospitals etc.

“House wiring is a system in which distribute the electricity in a proper way with safety. 

 House wiring is such a system in which we give electricity in the right way to every  devices that use in our home. Such System is  used in all over world. A Lot of governments departments and Privates companies work on that system and they design the electricity distribution inside our home, building ,  Malls  and hospitals etc.  Internal Electrical supply distribution based  on the consume load means wattage.  

We can easily understand the House Wiring by  diagram show in fig above. In the Diagram internal wiring started from energy meter. Electricity companies are provided connection up to energy meter. After energy metering connection Supply is connected to Distribution Box. The wire or cable that connects the energy meter to   distribution box is called submain. after connection in distribution box  Supply is distributed into switch board and power point. Different type wires use to connection.

Distribution Box is a Box in which use Controlling Switch and  equipments  to control the supply  and protect the humans from the currents.  The Controlling Switch and equipments   are MCB , RCCB and isolator. there are many type of Distribution box available in market. Which box is use in our home that dependent on our home number of switch board and power points. 

Switch Board is divided into two parts one is the box and the other is plate,  Box is mounted in wall and plate screwed in box with switches and sockets  that means switch board is a combination of box and plate to supports the switches to operates the light points , fan points , Eust  points and sockets.  As per standard maximum 10 switches are used  in one switch board and maximum with 1000watts load.

Points  which is We use for  the bulb for lighting, fan for air  and Eust for fresh  air. These are called points. These points is  operated by switch board.     

Power Point :  Such Types of points that use for loads that draw more then 6 amper current is called power points  .

Many type of load use in homes like Air conditioners, freez , iron, motors and other devices. Such load consume more power and draw high current. Therefore we make such type loads Points Separate and provides supply separate from distribution box in house wiring . To providing supply from to power points we use 4 seq mm wire and we use colour code for phase , netral and earthing wires in hose wiring. 

Circuit Wiring: The wires  use for supply the switch boards  from distribution box  is called circuit wirings. That means that wires which is  charge the switch board from taking supply to Distribution box is called circuit wire and  2.5 seq mm (area) wires use for circuit wirings in house wiring.

Main Supply : The Main Supply is provided by electricity company and which is connected to the meter board. The wires or cables use for Main supply is depend on you home loads and current.

Sub-main : The wire and cable which is connected to the distribution board from meter is called  sub-main. The wires or cables use for sub-main is 10 Seqmm and 6 Seq mm size.


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